10 Unknown Facts By Soham Fact Tech #2

 There are 10 unknown facts. 
All 10 Facts List
1. December, 2018.
2. Worst Song Award.
3. Mathematician Bertrand
4. Animal Name HOODED
5. At 1900s A Women That
Never laughed.
6. A Maths Problem Name
Boolean Pythagorean.
7. Dark Fact Of Rabbit.
8. One Boy Got Jailed For 6
Year.Do You Now Why
He Was In Jailed For 6
Year's ??
9. Fact Of Mercedes Car.
10. What Is Full Form Of
                 Soham Fact Tech
1. December, 2018
December, 2018 was a dangerous month for our Earth because one Space Rock Got Very Highly Explored In Front Of Earth. Explosion was 10 time more than Hiroshima Explosion. High Explosion in space it happens in one or two times in century. It was danger moment for Earth. 
2.Worst Song Award.
Best song award is Normal award. But you know that there is also award of Worst Song. Song of Mack Hammer,Addams Groove. Golden Raspberry award for worst original song of the 12th Golden Raspberry award in 1991,Addams groove song is famous for worst song.
3. Mathematician Bertrand Russell.
We need proof to tell any information it need100% sure to tell any one. 1+1=2 is a simple problem but to proof it1+1=2 not any number can not come on place of 2.To proof it, it tooked 360 pages to proof 1+1=2.
4. Animal Name HOODED SEAL.
This type of creature are not see many. Some people don't now this Hooded Seal.
This Hooded Seal look like 
Hooded Seal
5. At 1900s A Women Never laughed.
In 1900s a women name SOBER SUE. She never laughed so one of the thetre removed an offer that who will make her laugh He or She will get 1000 dollar. Best of best comedian came and they gived there best and they all failed. That girl didn't laughed. After few year's all understood that she was having diseases,due to that disease her mouth can't move towards laugh.
6.A Maths Problem Name Boolean Pythagorean Triples Problem.
This question was unsolved to solved it, it was required mathematician proof. To solve this question it was filled in Super Computer that question was huge that it required 200 terabytes space, 200 terabytes which means a person who needs 10 billion years to complete reading of a question. Finally that question was solved by Super Computer's. This became the longest proof in mathematician history.
7. Dark Fact Of Rabbit
When parents of rabbit are stretchout they Eat there own Children's. This problem is that rabbit's don't have the same motherly instict as dog or cat who will protect their own children.
8. One Boy Got Jailed For 6 Year.
Do You Now Why He Was In Jailed For 6 Year. He was Jailed for 6 years because, will playing a game he said I will shoot averyone by a gun and blast the school. Only for these sentences he got a jail for 6 year.
9. Fact Of Mercedes Car

When a Mercedes Car crashes it makes very very intense sound which can burst our Ear's. This sound is known as Pink Noise it is placed in Mercedes car when an accident happens pink noise alarm starts these alarm as set in car because when an accident happen person who is sitting in the car he should not hear sound of crash.
10. What Is Full Form Of DSLR and SLR.

DSLR Camera 

SLR Camera 
Fullform of DSLS Camera is
D - Digital      S - Single
S - Single        L - Lens
L - Lens          R - Reflex
R - Reflex
All 10 Facts List
1. December, 2018.
2. Worst Song Award.
3. Mathematician Bertrand
4. Animal Name HOODED
5. At 1900s A Women That
Never laughed.
6. A Maths Problem Name
Boolean Pythagorean.
7. Dark Fact Of Rabbit.
8. One Boy Got Jailed For 6
Year.Do You Now Why
He Was In Jailed For 6
Year's ??
9. Fact Of Mercedes Car.
10. What Is Full Form Of
DSLR and SLR. 
                      Soham Fact Tech 
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