10 Amazing Facts About Planet Earth In English #1

10 Amazing Fact's About 

Planet Earth.

 All know the planet Earth. We all are living on Earth but we don't no some fact of Earth. Our Earth is the third planet from sun. Earth is only planet which as atmosphere containing free oxygen, Oceans and life. Earth is fifth largest planet in the solar system. Earth is also called as Blue Planet. This was General Information for Earth. 

Amazing Facts About Earth 

             #1. - AGE OF EARTH

 You now the age of Earth. If your answer is No then. Age of Earth is 4.54 Billion Years !! It's Means 454 Crore Year's ago !! You Could having one question that is How did Scientists Calculated age of Earth ?? And the answer is RADIOMETRIC DATING. Radiometric dating is a technique by this technique a Scientists can find age of Rock or Materials. By this you can understand that we have got the Very Oldest Stone on Earth which was of 4.54 Billion Years Ago. 

  #2.Temperature of the 


Average temperature of Earth is - 16°C But there are many places on Earth. In some places temperature is defers. 10 July 1913 in Death Valley,United States as recorded HIGHES Temperature which is 56.7°C. The LOWEST Temperature as Calculated is –89.2°C Which was recorded at July 21, 1983 and the palace Vostok Station, Russia 

 #3. The Earth Was Once 

Believed To Be The 

Center Of Universe 

First Scientists were thinking that Earth is Centre of Universe and all planet's are Revolving around the Earth. This model is called Geocentric Model And one Person came his name was Nicolaus Copernicus and he proofed that all planet's are not revolving around Earth. Earth is Revolving around the sun but not only Earth also many Planet's and he created model name HELIOCENTRIC MODEL. And we all know that GEOCENTRIC MODEL is Wrong and HELIOCENTRIC MODEL correct model. 

Geocentric Model 
This was want scientists were thinking. That Was Wrong

Heliocentric Model 

           This Is Correct 

 #4. The Rotation Of 

Earth Is Gradually

 Slowing Down 

Earth rotation is solving downat @17 Milliseconds per Hundred Year. But Why it is happening because moon is going away.@3.78CMS per year moon is going far from Earth. Moon will go asmuch far from Earth. Earth rotation will go slow. More Distance of moon = Less Rotation Speed. In this fact is that,When moon was new on Earth 1 day was of 6 hours Now it is of 24 hours. After 14 crore in future 1 day on Earth will be of 25 Hours.

 #5. Revolution Speed Of 

The Earth

 Revolution speed of the Earth is 30KM/Second. It means 204 Second × 30KM/Second = 6120 KM. In 204 second Earth travel 6120 km. Only not Earth is Revolving we are also revolving with Earth in 204 sec we all are traveling 6120km. But we can't feel it 

 #6. What Is Weight Of 


According to scientists weight of Earth is 5,974,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 KILOGRQMS. You will have one question that how scientists found the weight of Earth. Scientists as understand weight of Earth by Maths and Law Of Gravity 

 #7. Earth Is Not Named

 By A God.

 The other seven planets in our solar system are all named after Roman gods or goddesses. Although only Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were named during ancient times, because they were visible to the naked eye, the Roman method of naming planets was retained after the discovery of Uranus and Neptune. 

 #8. Earth Core Is As Hot 

As The Sun's Surface. 

Core of Earth is hot like sun surface which means. Caltech Geochemist Paul Asimow tells popular mechanics. At almost 10,000 degree Fahrenheit which is very hot. #9. Plants Are 10,000 Times Older Than Human Planet Earth as estimated age of 4.54 billion year. Homo sapiens has been around for at most 4.54 billion year ago. Human has spread over whole globe on 1/100,000 of age of the planet.

 #10.Who Named Earth 

Unlike other planet, Earth as no real data that who named It Earth.The term English comes from old English,High Germany and that's only planet not named after a Greek or Roman God   

 That's Amazing Fact 

     About Earth                   

     Thanks You.

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