15 unbelievable interesting facts #4

Welcome to Soham Fact Tech Blog. In this blog there are 15 facts are as follow.
15 Interesting Fact's List.
1. Reindeer Eyes
2. Fact Of Corn 
3. Steven Leech 
4. Unopened Wine Bottle 
5. JBC (Journal of biological chemistry 
6. New Born Baby Fact 
7. Fact Of Stomach 
8. Marienbrucke Bridge 
9. Unique Type Creature 
10. Cruise Pollution 
11. Infinite Time Recycling Of    Aluminum 
12. Fault 
13. Robert Junior 
14. Octopus 
15. CCTV 

#1 Reindeer Eyes
Reindeeres eyes can change colour in Summer Season eyes of reindeer is in golden colour and in Winter Season there eyes turn into Blue colour. This is because in Winter Season eyes turn blue to  absorb more light should be go in there eyes. When Summer Season comes Reindeer eyes turn in golden colour.

#2. Fact Of Corn.
We all know that corn is use to eat but corn is also use for non food items like Crackers,Glue,Paint,Soap,Detergent, Antibiotics, Cosmetic and in Plastic. 

#3. Steven Leech.
In American Steven Leech was doing his daily routine work which was to deliver milk while he was going he saw one was burning very high fire. He stopped his vehicle and throwed all milk cans into the fire. Finally fire was stopped and saved 100 people's from fire. He was named Milkman Hailed As Hero. He was awarded as Milkman Hero.

#4. Unopened Vine Bottle.
  World's Oldest Unopened Wine Bottle

This Bottle is 1650 year old. These bottle was found in Germany. This is World oldest unopened wine bottle. Till now that wine bottle is not opened.

#5. JBC (journal of biological chemistry).
JBC Which stands for Journal Of Biological Chemistry. According to H.H. Mitchell journal biological chemistry in our brain there is 75% Water and remaining 38% Non of Water. 
These part of Brain content 60% Fat. That's why fat acid like Omega 3. You may Knowing Omega 3 these is proper functioning for brain.

#6. New Born Baby Fact
When new baby born in there brain there are 100 Billion Neurons are Exist in brain. When baby is in mother stomach babies small in there small cell are Existing 100 billion neurons are prepared on a second in babies cell tell birth of baby.

#7. Fact Of Stomach 
When you are hungry and your stomach removes some noise you may be thinking that they may be germs but no when you are hungry and stomach removes noise that is Intestine. Intestine push remaining stick food content till new food contain doesn't comes in stomach.

Intestine (Stomach)

#8. Marienbrucke Bridge
You can see this Bridge. Name of these Bridge is Marienbrucke Bridge.
              Marienbrucke Bridge
This Bridge is constructed in mid of two mountain in this bridge people are active this bridge is located at Germany. 

#9. Unique Type Creature 
Saiga Antelope and Babirusa is one of the unique creature in world.
                          Saiga Antelope
Shoebill is a unique type creature in world. Shoebill is a huge bird,this bird is present in wild life conservation education centre. Without bowing you can't touch shoebill, you will not bow in front of shoebill,shoebill will runway from you.


#10. Cruise Pollution
You will not believed that 10 lakh car produce pollution that much pollution Cruise produce in one day.

#11. Infinite Time Recycling Of Aluminum.
Aluminum is one of the recycled material.Aluminum can be recycled infinite time.

#12. Fault 
When a person is removing fault averytime that person is called SMELLFUNGUS.

#13. Robert Junior
Robert Junior was worked in Spider man Home-coming movie. Robert Junior was only were for 15 minute work. He charged $1 Million Per Minute which means 15 minute roll he charged $15 Million (105 Crore) or 15 minute roll.

#14. Octopus.
In octopus disturbing behaviour has got finded. When an octopus is in straight out they eat there arm body parts many people had seen octopus eating own body parts. Scientists are saying it is kind of infection which attack to octopus brain and make octopus compulsory to eat there body parts.
#15. CCTV
What is full form of CCTV. You could have guees TV full form which is Television, but what is full form of CC. Full forof CCTV is Closed Circuit Television. Closed means CCTV singal in not publicly it is private. It is privately monitored for security.

15 Interesting Fact's List.
1. Reindeer Eyes
2. Fact Of Corn 
3. Steven Leech 
4. Unopened Wine Bottle 
5. JBC (Journal of biological chemistry 
6. New Born Baby Fact 
7. Fact Of Stomach 
8. Marienbrucke Bridge 
9. Unique Type Creature 
10. Cruise Pollution 
11. Infinite Time Recycling Of    Aluminum 
12. Fault 
13. Robert Junior 
14. Octopus 
15. CCTV 

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