11 True Facts by Soham Fact Tech #3

There are 10 True Facts 
1. Seismometer.
2. Harvard University.
3. Tayeb Souami.
4. Stephen Hawking.
5. Turkey.
6. Highest rated movie.
7. Lord of war.
8. Computer Malware.
9. Fact About Movie. 
10. Harry  john patch.
11. What Is Manual Price Of One Wicket.

1. Seismometre
Train system of Japan, In there train there is unique system is Seismometre. 
Seismometre is a equipment that gives us alertness before Earthquake. Seismometre as attached to there train. When an earthquake happens train get out of  track due to shaking of land and caused accidents. 
11 March 2011 
One train detected Earthquake of 8.9 magnitude before 12 second and that train alerted 33 train. All trains got stopped only one train got derail.

2.Harvard University 
Harvard University as finded that.
In one company there are intelligent workers that company will not grow because intelligent workers will get jealous of each other and they are not cooperative and toxic behavior.
And another side
Low intelligent workers are cooperative it means LESS PRODUCTIVE AND HIGH CO-OPERATIVE.
To think of future of company or Business were there are low intelligent people then company or Business will grow and another side intelligent worker will not grow there company or Business.

3.Tayeb Souami
Tayeb Souami was a person who buyed orange juice from a shop of $5 which means Rs 350 in Indian currency.
That person went to his home with that juice. His wife gets angry and she says why you brought this Expensive juice go to the shop and return the juice and his wife told i now one shop which you will get less price same orange juice. Than his husband (Tayeb Souami) went to return the juice and he return it he got his $5 and he went to another shop which his wife as told. He get that same orange juice for 170 rupees. From $5 we payed $ 2.44 and remaining money he buyed 2 lottery tickets to see his luck and in one lottery ticket he got $315 Million, $315 million in india currency it is RS 1800 Crore This type of real story are really rare.

#4 Stephen Hawking
When Stephen Hawking Died this ash was placed between Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin. There is one area name Scientists Corner. In that area there is death ash of Stephen Hawking and Isaac Newton in there between there is ash of Stephen Hawking. As a final tribute European Space 
Agency blasted the voice of Stephen Hawking to nearest black hole to tribute final memorials

#5 Turkey
In one place of Turkey scientists noticed some underground things by there device. After they went and saw a underground city not a normal city but a ancient underground city. After wards these ancient underground city was named Derinkuyu. It was 60 metres deep after research scientist understood that at olden days in these ancient underground city there were 20,000 plus people were living.                
                  Recreated Map

#6 Highest Rated Movie
You all know Movies are rated in IMDb which means Internet Movie Database. World's highest rated movie is The God Father. These movie is highest rated movie. Screenplay of these movie was done by Mario Puzo. Important thing is that no screen play was done in any movie. God Father was only one movie was written by Mario Puzo. These movie got Two Oscar award. After these Mr. Mario Puzo thinked that i should buy a book to get ideas w about how to make movies and Screenplay. He was humble he buyed a book on how to create screenplay movie you will not believed that in first page of  that book it was written to direct screenplay movie you should look movie of The God Father.

#7 Lord Of War
Lord of war which was an movie in this movie they haved buyed 3000 real guns they were thinking that why to buy fake gun we should buy real guns a after work sale it. They have also used real 50 tanks they haved took 50 real tanks for rent. Before creating set  they had tooked permission of authorities because they can see from satellite they will think that in this area there will be war so they informed authorities.

#8 Computer Malware
Per year 317 Million computer viruses which means daily 1 Million computer viruses these all computer viruses are produced by human. Some people are trying on creating virus and in one day they create 1 million computer viruses.

#9 Fact About Music
Scientists has discovered that listing to any music activates all functions of brain. Music activates creative, emotional parts of our brain when we hear music we feel amazing. All parts of brain get active at same time.

#10 Harry John Patch
Harry john patch was soldier of World War and he was one of the oldest man in Europe. When he died his age was 111 Year 1 Month 1 Week 1 Day these was unbelievable coincidence.

#11 What Is Manual Price Of One Wicket
Stumps are used in cricket price of one wicket is between 25-30 lakh which means $40,000. Australia designer named bronte EcKerman he has invented LED Wicket in this wicket there is low voltage batter and many sensor are attached when bells get detached from stumps within 1/1000th of a second led light glows. You may thinking it is easy to create Led Stumps by many electronic materials and knowledge you will think simple technology. Price of led stumps is around 25 to 30 lakh because sensor used in led stumps are ultrasonic sensor. Zing is company who manufacturers this led stumps.
Led Stumps

There are 10 True Facts 
1. Seismometer.
2. Harvard University.
3. Tayeb Souami.
4. Stephen Hawking.
5. Turkey.
6. Highest rated movie.
7. Lord of war.
8. Computer Malware.
9. Fact About Movie.
10. Harry  john patch.
11. What Is Manual Price Of One Wicket.

                  Thanks for Reading

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